Adopt a Beehive

.adopt a beehive
It is an initiative whose foundations and objectives have been established by a refinery company, whose goals are divided into awareness, service and investment goals, through the development of a joint cooperation protocol between a refinery company and a charitable institution, through which any individual can participate in building an apiary by donating the value of building one or more beehives A trained team of refined beekeepers supervises and cares for these hives and harvesting honey. Annually, the Foundation receives a donation of 30% of the total production of the hive from 100% natural honey, and each contributor receives 10% of the total production of the hive for three consecutive years.
    Therefore, it is an integrated example of achieving the sustainable development goals, as it works on its three axes:
Environmental: by helping to increase the number of bees and maintain their breeds.
v Economically: by providing job opportunities for young people inside the company’s apiaries and increasing the local production of bee honey.
v Socially: by contributing part of the production of these cells to some charitable work.
To participate and donate to the Adopt a Cell initiative

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